After a decade of research, eight years of operation, and thousands of hours of recorded movement data, one thing has become very clear to us.
Movement is exceptionally unique. Different techniques, diverse body shapes, varied philosophies, and endless product options and combinations.
Every biomechanical analysis we undertake shows us the millions of possible variations that make up every individual and provides key data and insight to fuel our brand vision.
At ARION, we decode human movement to accelerate breakthrough innovations that move the world forward. Each step in a pair of ARION gets us closer to achieving this vision, and we invite you to follow, join and collaborate on our journey.
9 patents
System and methodology
15 years
Of R&D continued strategic partnerships, and years
of running experience
Over 85 million
Steps already in our
unique database
Meet the team
The team behind ARION
Andrew Statham, PhD
Co-founder & CIO
Markus Hupach
Nagaraj Hedge
Technology Director
João Andrade
Business Development
Nikolay Pelov
Software Engineer
Antonios Arvanitidis
Software Engineer
Joris van Dongen
Software Engineer
Siyana Stoyanova
Software Engineer
Kaloyan Ivanov
Software Consultant
Aleksandar Ivanov
Software Engineer
Marina Matusevich
Designer UI/UX
Stuart Burnett
Sales Director
Bernadett Dües
Sales Manager
Lissa Verhoeven
Biomechanical Engineer
Rita Sarantidou
Data Scientist
Manouk Groels
Biomechanical Engineer
Bas van Hooren
Biomechanical Researcher
Elzemieke Douw
Marketing Specialist & Customer Success Manager
Arjan Hamoen
Sonya Carrott, PhD. (Bowyer)
Former World Class Athlete
Strategic Relations Director